About Alex Sventeckis Content Consulting

Meet Alex

Alex lives and breathes content, with a practiced hand in both the writing process and the business of content. He helps marketers, PR pros, and other content aficionados turn content from a “maybe someday” to a (not so scary) revenue driver.

"Alex Sventeckis is one of the few people on this planet I trust to write high-quality content. He's professional, creative, and reliable, and his content is second to none."
Emily Malott
Group Content Manager, Securitas Group

Let’s talk.


What We Do

Content is complex — it includes everything from drafting a blog post to building long-term strategies for audience and brand growth. We tailor our services to meet that complexity and elevate your agency’s content production.



Writing great content
Training your team to write great content
Building systems so you keep writing great content

Writing great content

We offer expert white-labeled writing capabilities that help your teams produce great quality long-form content at speed and scale. We work with writing in all forms, but we specialize in drafting and editing long-form content (400+ words) like:

  • Bylined articles ghostwritten for subject matter experts

  • Company blog posts

  • Press releases and media opportunities

  • Award applications

  • Intensive writing projects like whitepapers, reports, and ebooks

Training your team to write great content

Our training reinforces your people’s most crucial skills and abilities.

  • Copywriting skills

  • Narrative development and editing

  • Internal and external content management

  • Content calendaring and preparation

  • Client interaction resilience

We then regularly coach your team members to ensure the training sticks.

Building systems so you keep writing great content

We consult on systems, tools, and processes for content management and agency strategy. With planning and support, you can grow your ability to sell content as a service to your clients.

  • Overall strategy development
  • Internal system creation and optimization
  • SOP, template, and process development
  • Specialized content team setup and deployment
  • Progress reporting and scaling content as a service
“Not only does Alex have a knack for crafting compelling, insightful and engaging content, but he also has an unmatched track record of using his expertise to develop strong, well-rounded writers.”
Kayleigh Jones
Account Director, SourceCode Communications

If this sounds good, let's talk.
